DDR ARROW CURSORS - SILVER/BLUE SCHEME CREATED BY XKEEPER -- 2:32 PM 1/11/2005 ======================================= Inspired by DDR/Stepmania, wanted by many, and created by me. Don't I feel special. :P Anyway, the blue/silver color scheme was thought up by DahrkDiaz. Blame him if you don't like it. Next, the arrow design was made by hand. All I got to look at was some noteskin and I had to make the actual cursor myself, using ArtCursors 4.12. That program is a pain in the ass, but at least it let me change palette colors. Continuing, some cursors deviate from the regular style (Busy and Unavailable are red-tinted, Link Select is whitish blue, etc) and some I'm not too happy with but couldn't come up with better (most notably Move). Some change directions on you (Link select, Alternate select, Handwriting) and... yeah. It was some fun making these cursors, and also quite the agony since ArtCursors has no clue how to handle moving of images (it'll work about 3% of the time and erase what you moved the other 97%) and reverts to the old pallete quite often. Blarrghgh. Anyway, on with the cursor match list, even though it should be self explanitory: FILENAME LOAD AS... --------------------------------------------- Normal Normal Select Helpselect Help Select WorkingInBackground Working In Background Busy uh, Busy Precisionselect Precision Select Text Text Select Handwriting Handwriting Unavailable Unavailable Verticalresize Vertical Resize Horizontalresize Horizontal Resize Diagnoalresize1 Diagonal Resize 1 Diagnoalresize2 Diagonal Resize 2 Move Move AlternateSelect Alternate Select Link Select Link select That said, thanks for using these and mabye I'll make more later. Personally I still prefer my tile-layer-DOS ones (I'm going to make another version eventually, if I can find a cursor making program that doesn't suck) but whatever. I hope you DDR addicts enjoy, I spent a few hours slaving over a cold keyboard and mouse to bring you these. =)