"Would you like a second opinion? You are also ugly!" -- some facepuncher who likes pretty web pages.
also available in twitter flavor as xkeepah
anyway down to business! if you don't know what to do here check these places out: reddit / facepunch / toilet
(click the link above to update periodically anyway, as people submit more data all the time.)
also READ THE FAQ (now moved to take up less space! wow!)
Select an error to see MAGIC
This is valve's idea of being funny. Craft two bananas together and you get an "error" with some data.
Everyone gets a different part of the same data. Here, we're gluing it all together again!
We're putting the TEAM into TEAM FORTRESS, too. Ha!
What do conflicts mean
This just means that someone submitted data that doesn't jive with someone else's data.
Maybe a typo. Maybe trolling. Maybe just an oopsie. Either way it'll be fixed.
More data = more information to help solve the mystery!
I want to shower you in hats, fine sir
Uesrname posted:
That site doesn't actually contain any data. It's just referencing it from elsewhere.
Then why do we submit directly to it?
The link fetches the data from xPaw's data. But you can modify it, change it, or input your own.
So it just preloads the latest "community data" out there. You can fix conflicts yourself, or whatever.
Sorry, not registered on punchface, just a lurker. GIVE ME ALL THE BOXES
Dumb x 17 Agree x 2 Late x 1
What about Google Spreadsheets or whatever?
If the columns are laid out as "error | code | list of numbers", then it'll work.
Select the COLUMNS (that is, shift+drag from "error" col to "numbers" col)
and CTRL-C, then Ctrl-V in the box below.
What's with the red crap?
Conflicts are now attempted to "auto-resolve". They show up as red in the byte list.
The script automatically picks the byte with the most appearances.
So if one report says "01" and two say "03", then the final one will be "03".
You can hover over the bytes to see the resolution process. Handy!
Where'd the conflicts go?
Conflicts are now attempted to "auto-resolve". They show up as red in the byte list.
The script automatically picks the byte with the most appearances.
So if one report says "01" and two say "03", then the final one will be "03".
You can hover over the bytes to see the resolution process. Handy!
Also, there's a heatmap to help you determine what bytes are fubar and which ones are trustworthy.
It's kind of dumb, but if it helps...